Synopsis: After the famous EroFame fair the Domina Files film crew went down South into the outskirts of the Dark Forest to visit none other than The Incredible Riding Mistress a.k.a. Baroness Bijou who had invited us for an extended stay in one of the places she uses as a dungeon for her sessions. An old train depot with underground rooms, a complete greenhouse and a stable offered huge possibilities for the amazing shoot days. We shot enough material to create a double release to do justice to this amazing and versatile dominatrix who reigns in leather, PVC and latex but also as the riding mistress with a huge following. In this second volume of our kinky adventure you will see strict discipline at the muddy works, kinky medical play, gas masks along the highway, a naughty monk that gets the shaving and flogging he deserves and a slave girl that enjoys sucking cock while encased in rubber. Also enjoy the interview with the Riding Mistress and beautiful scenery of the historic city of Augsburg!